Dec 24, 2008

No dates for me tonight...

... I got my TV dinner in the microwave!

Who needs a man when you got a Television at home. Let me tell you why:

(From here on, I am going to refer to TV as him, he, his in this post. Well, 'it' just doesn't do justice.)

1. My TV offers a range of emotions in response to my myriad moods - drama, action, suspense, romance, sex and more. I sure can't expect all of it from the same relationship with a man.

2. My TV is there as my loyal companion on many lonely nights. I don't have to dress up or curl my hair for him, he will not judge. My pajamas will do.

3. My TV can keep me constantly entertained. For a person of fleeting interest, his 300 and more (is that the number of Tata Sky channels available now) personalities can keep me on my toes.

4. I don't have to drive to get to my date. It waits for me at home every night, promising me one hour of uninterrupted relaxation after a dreadful day at work.

5. My TV delivers what it promises without any mind games.

6. My TV talks to me in the middle of those nights, when I can't sleep and wake up at 3 AM. I then fall back asleep to its soft voice in the background.

7. My parents allow me to have my TV in my bedroom - 24X7. No hassles at all! Now, when would I be able to do that with a boy.

8. My TV comes with a guarantee card. I can easily exchange if my expectations are not fulfilled.

9. My TV is my eyes to the world. I am still growing up and he helps me form perceptions and learn about things without imposing.

10. Best of all, I got all his buttons in my hand; God bless the remote!


Paradox Philic said...

On a christmas morning when the whole world is sleeping and i am in office with all of my peers, your post was the only thing that brought a smile to my face :)

Good one!

Fictitioustruth said...

very funny post. men have been cathode rayed.

Sue said...

@ paradox phillic: and your comment brought a smile to my face :)

@ fictitioustruth: I love it when men appreciate posts like these :)

John Doe said...

no offence, but get a life.

i have been where you are, and it sucks in the long run.

Sue said...

@ John: Appreciate your honesty, John !

Actually, it sucks in the short run too... :)