Dec 29, 2008

It's time for prozac!

I had two weeks of vacation time and I have spend most of it at home staring at my wall, talking to my two very bored dogs and watching random serials on all the possible channels I could find on my cable TV menu.

I am by far the most non-happening person I have come across. All my friends including my dearest ex are in Goa having a ball, while I sit here writing this depressing post.

It's time for prozac. Well, a vacation could do it too, I suppose.


Sane Insane said...

Lol, Sue, I beat you by a big margin on the 'non-happening' scene :D. I too have my vacation till 4th. And today i was so bored with channel surfing that I watched 'Nepal TV' for 2 hours trying to understand what they were saying :D Weird? I know.
Atleast you have your two dogs to talk to. Btw what are their names? What breed? I have a love for golden retreivers, had one named 'armageddon' till few years back.

Btw, #2 & 9, interests me ;)

Sue said...

@ sane insane: one is a pekingese and the other is a 2- month old golden lab.

I had a retreiver till last year as well. :(

tell me how to move forward on # 2 then - give me your email address