Feb 20, 2008

An ode to 'ok'

I have this friend who has recently started saying 'ok' as a response to everything I say. Whether I am being sarcastic or trying to explain my actions or telling him about some weird incident that happened with me....All I get out of him is ....'ok'. This has gone to the extent of his status message on gtalk being 'ok' and that's it.

Then he finally explained the meaning of that word in his dictionary. I thought it was quite wise.

An Ode to 'Ok':
Applications and Advantages of the simplest term in the English Language
By Bachu (my wittiest friend of them all)

"ok is the most amazing word in the english language, it is a conversation filler, it is a conversation ender, you can pretend to be listening to someone, and you can pretend to care, and you can acknowledge their stupidity, it's a fantastic word !"

and some more from him:

"you sincerely mean it when you say you understand
you say it when you want to get rid of someone
you say it when someone asks you how you're doing
you say it when someone asks you how much you liked something"

Point made, Ok? :P


The Walker said...

OK... So that's the deal eh? To me, it is also the current of mind. everyone these days, seems to be doing just OK. OK stuff to watch, OK books to read, OK jokes to crack...

No one seems to demand more. But I guess the whole world is OK with it.

I loved your post Sue. Gotta go now... OK?

Sue said...

@the walker:


Unknown said...

I agree with 'ok' being a very versatile word indeed.

keep up the great blogs

Hari said...

Who's the girl in ht picture! She's certainly not OK.

Fictitioustruth said...

ok enough. we have waited long enough for your next post.

write soon. ok.