Jun 24, 2009

Dear God,

If you gave me one wish...

No, I wouldn't want all the money in the world
No, I wouldn't want the perfect GMAT score
No, I wouldn't ask for that one guy that I still love, to come back
No, I wouldn't ask to be the hottest girl about town (even though, that wouldn't be a bad thing to happen at all)

I'd ask for you to replace my defective, constantly overacting ovaries for a pair of well-functioning balls.

I do not want to be an overweight, pre-diabetic, hormonally-zonked pit bull ANYMORE. Thank you for hearing me out.



Soids said...

Sue, I got your message and I'm happy to help you out. Due to the way I created the universe, I can only replace your ovaries if I also replace you brain. All humans with balls have one-track minds.

Yours in heaven,

Sue said...

@ demp: LOL

I knew God read my blog!
I kinda like my brain but I am going to definitely consider your offer...