Jul 16, 2009

But, there you are!

I think you are gone.
From my conversations, my hopes, my dreams, my days, my nights.... my happiness, my sorrows ... my all!
But, there you are!

More often than sometimes, but not always.
You come back to remind me.
Just when I think, that your essence has left me, there you are!
Filling my mind, my heart, my body, my soul with the longing that I thought I had buried deep under my scars of losing you.

You said I was the one.
I said, I wasn't.
I believed you were right for someone else.
You and I were just... incidental?

You said, you didn't believe in soul mates... it was more about the commitment that you make and keep to one person...to any person...and it will work.
I said, the compatibility between two people and their personalities, hopes and dreams was way more important than a mere commitment.
I wanted us to cut our losses.
For us to embrace our soul mates.
For you.
For me.

I think you are gone.
But, there you are!
The same you.
A different you.
A calmer, happier you.
Holding your soul mate.
I knew you would find her.
But you needed to lose me first.

A courteous hug.
The regular small talk about dysfunctional ovaries and the new haircut.
That familiarity that is slowly fading away.
That void that is growing bigger by the day.

A smug comfort that I was right. My special someone is now with someone special.
A warm satisfaction that you are finally happy now.
A slight, throbbing pain of losing you. It never leaves me.

I think you are gone. But, there you are.

Disclaimer: This is more of a creative outburst than an emotional one. Status quo is recommended.


Anonymous said...

I'm still there me love.

And ye... my new haircut sucks :(

Sue said...

@ alok: and the ovaries? How are they doing?

Anonymous said...

You ask. You are closer to them :p

Smriti said...

i never get bored of reading this one...everytime i visit the bar ...i always give it a read

Sue said...

:) keep coming back then smrits